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Watch this space for announcements on new practitioners joining Gateway!

New Physician Joining! We are very excited to announce that a new physicians will be joining the Gateway team at our south location!!! Dr. Esmaeil Akbarnezhad and Dr. Mahmoud Abdo. Dr. Akbarnezhad has joining the …

New Physician Joining!

We are very excited to announce that a new physicians will be joining the Gateway team at our south location!!!

Dr. Esmaeil Akbarnezhad and Dr. Mahmoud Abdo.

Dr. Akbarnezhad has joining the team in April and Dr. Abdo will be joining soon from June 26th onwards.

Please call the clinic to find out more about his schedule and booking an appointment!

PLEASE NOTE: Dr. Cowan will be working from the east location from July 22nd, 2024 onwards.


We are sad to announce that Dr. Michael Truong and Dr. Parastoo Ghanbari have left Gateway Alliance medical. Dr. Naderafshar Fereydonyan will soon be leaving his practice at Gateway. His last day will be June 24th. Though we are sad to see them leave, we do wish them all the best in their future endeavors!

We do, however, have another Chiropractor, Dr. Shawn Bachorick who would continue to see patients that require Chiropractor services at our south location. You can now book his appointments online!

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