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Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Dr. Zahra Mazanderani is a Registered Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor who has been practicing Acupuncture since 2012. She is currently offering acupuncture sessions in Regina at Gateway Alliance Medical in Regina, SK.

Some of the Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments employed at the clinic in Regina are:

  • Traditional Acupuncture
  • Cosmetic acupuncture
  • Moxibustion
  • Cupping therapy
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Chinese herbal therapies

Facial Acupuncture is a natural alternative to Botox, Laser, dermal fillers and surgeries

Zahra completed Mary Elizabeth Wakefield’s Constitutional Facial Acupuncture course in 2011 and since then have been specializing in facial rejuvenation with the means of acupuncture needles. A natural alternative to Botox, laser treatments, dermal fillers and surgeries, facial acupuncture is a therapy that triggers the production of collagen in the skin, helping it naturally rejuvenate.

The Chinese believe that wrinkles are the result of constitutional disharmony and weakness of Qi flow. With age, it becomes increasingly challenging for Qi energy to flow toward the face. Poor eating habits and irresponsible lifestyles also contribute to wrinkles.

Benefits of Facial Acupuncture

Note that acupuncture is not a miracle cure and results might vary by person. Book a consultation to learn how facial acupuncture works and what it can do for you. Some of the benefits can include:

  • Tightens skin pores
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Elimination of fine lines and the reduction of larger wrinkles
  • Eradication of puffiness
  • Improvement of blood circulation
  • Improvement of wellbeing and relaxation

A Short Note on Botox and its Cosmetic Risks

Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin that is frequently used for cosmetic purposes. The primary objective of Botox injections is to smooth out facial lines and wrinkles. It works by blocking the brain’s ability to send messages that make muscles contract, causing temporary paralysis. Some of the immediate side effects of this treatment include swelling, pain and bruising at the injection site as well as occasional flu-like symptoms, temporary drooping of muscle and respiratory infection.

Cosmetic Botox injection has only been employed as a treatment since 2002. The toxin found in the Botox injection accumulates antibodies in your bodily systems, so the more Botox treatments you receive, the less effective it will be. Because there is no conclusive research regarding the long-term effects of Botox injections, its effects over time remain unknown.

According to Dr Peter Misra, leading neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London: Botox has been used “ahead of clear scientific evidence,” and is used to “treat conditions based on anecdotal evidence and small-scale studies.” (Reference).

What is Chinese Herbal Medicine

For over 8,000 years, the Chinese have used herbs as natural healing agents. Well documented for their beneficial effects, these herbs come from roots, bark, seeds, fruit, branches and leaves. Today, thousand of these herbs are available to suppliers of traditional Chinese remedies.

Benefits of Chinese Herbal Medicine

Traditional Chinese remedies employ a systemic approach toward disease, negating the risk of over-treatment or development of drug tolerance. Depending on the client’s condition, a different formula of 5-20 herbs is used to target the health issue without harming the body. Results vary by person and condition. Book a consultation to learn how Chinese herbs are used and how you can benefit from it.


GAMC Allied health Professional pricing List

Service Price (CAD) Duration
Initial Acupuncture Appointment
60 min slot (45 min treatment)
Follow Up Acupuncture Appointment
45 min slot (30 min treatment)

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At the heart of everything we do is the provision of long term quality care, that helps patient’s achieve their health goals.

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