What people need to know about
  • Walk-ins are welcome!
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Questions or Feedback? Send us your Message below

Please note - we currently do not have any doctors accepting new patients

This is for general inquires only. Please do not leave any personal information as it will not be responded to.


  • Disordered Eating/Food relationship
  • Intuitive Eating/Body image
  • Chronic dieting/diet culture
  • Cholesterol and triglyceride management/Cardiovascular disorders
  • Diabetes education
  • ADHD
  • Prenatal/Pregnancy
  • Respiratory disorders (Cystic Fibrosis, COPD)


GAMC Allied health Professional pricing List

Service Price (CAD) Duration
Initial Consult
90 min
Regular Follow Up
60 min
Mini-Follow Up
30 min
Free Follow Up Call After Initial Appt
5 min

Gateway is proud to provide holistic family care to patient’s of all ages.

Our team of qualified professionals take pride in providing the highest care during every patient  visit.

At the heart of everything we do is the provision of long term quality care, that helps patient’s achieve their health goals.

Questions or Feedback? Send us your Message below

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